PM to global leaders: Fight climate change impact together

UNB, Marrakech (Morocco) :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has urged global leaders to fight together the perilous threats of climate change and share the burdens equally for fulfilling the promises to make the world a safer place for the future generation.
“Let’s join hands to consolidate our partnership to fight the perilous threats of climate change….share the burdens equally to fulfill our promises of making the world a safer and better place for our future generation,” she said. The Prime Minister came up with the remarks on Tuesday while speaking at the High Level Segment of the 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP22) at Marrakech, a former imperial city in western Morocco. Sheikh Hasina also placed two crucial issues-water security and climate-induced migrants-at the meeting to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations.
The Prime Minister said she, as a member of the UN High Level Panel on Water, reiterated government’s commitments to the action plan endorsed by the members of the High Level Panel on Water in New York in September last. “We must ensure safe drinking water and sanitation for all through effective water governance.”
She stressed the need for creating a global fund on water SDG to support research, innovation and technology transfer. About climate-induced migrants, Hasina said it will never be able to attain the SDGs without addressing this challenge properly.
The Prime Minister mentioned that COP 22 Conference bears a special significance as all are celebrating the entry into force of the historic Paris Agreement. In Paris last year, she said, world leaders had been successful to create a solid ground for a meaningful cooperation in combating climate change impacts. “Now this is the time to move forward to implement decisions into actions. Lives and livelihoods of millions of people would continue to be at risk unless we deliver to our commitments on climate change issues.”
Turning to Bangladesh, Hasina said it is one of the first countries that signed and ratified the Paris Agreement. “Bangladesh is also the first country to set up ‘Climate Change  
Trust Fund’ of US$ 400 million from its own resources,” she added. The Prime Minister also mentioned that Bangladesh achieved success in disaster management despite coastal areas being highly vulnerable to climate related calamities, such as floods and cyclones. “We’ve put in place measures like early warning system, cyclone shelters and river weeds cultivation that have significantly reduced loss of lives and properties in Bangladesh.”