FFs to get 2 festival bonus

BSS, Dhaka :
Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith yesterday proposed allocating two festival allowances of Taka 10,000 each for the valiant freedom fighters in addition to their monthly honorarium.
“Besides, we have already undertaken a plan to construct 10,000 flats all over the country to provide improved accommodation facilities for insolvent freedom fighters,” Muhith said in his budget speech at the Jatiya Sangsad.
“The present Government is the government of the freedom fighters… As expected, we will continue our efforts to uphold the spirit of the war of liberation, preserve its historical records and memorials, spread the spirit of liberation war among young generations and undertake welfare measures for the freedom fighters, their children and posterity,” he said. In order to facilitate the new generation to learn the true history of liberation war, the government has taken an initiative to set up a research centre with the objective of identifying massacre sites, torture cells, killing grounds and mass graves of 1971 and building their database.
For the fiscal 2017-2018, Muhith proposed an allocation of Taka 3,986 crore for the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, an amount which is Taka 1003 crore more than the revised budget of fiscal 2016-17. Of the total amount, Taka 3,566 crore was proposed for the non-development sector and 420 crore for development sector.