Victory Month December: FF’s mass graveyard needs care Durgapur UZ

BSS, Rajshahi :
Proper supervision of the authorities concerned is required to protect and uphold the dignity of the historic mass graveyard 1971 martyred freedom fighters at Gaganbaria of Joynagar Union under Durgapur Upazila of Rajshahi that is now occupied by locals and turned into a pastureland.
The local people here using the area as an arable land since long and grazing their cattle although the place experienced a tragic genocide during the great Independence War.
On October 23, 1971, Pakistani troops with the help of the local rajakars, al-badrs, al-Shamses and the members of Shanti Committee killed over 185 Freedom Fighters (FFs) and numerous locals on the field of Gaganbaria village.
Moreover, they also buried the injured alive there in a mass grave. Abdul Gani Bokhari, Freedom Fighter Commander of Durgapur Upazila, claimed that over 280 dead bodies of martyred were buried in the mass graveyard.
A mausoleum was erected there in the memories of those martyred.
The visitors would find that the locals using one side of the mass graveyard for cultivating beans while on the other portion they had erected a cattle-house.