FFs induct new leaders


City Desk :
The daughter of the Father of the Nation and the guardian of the Freedom-Fighter heroes Sheikh Hasina has been unanimously elected as the chief patron and Muhammad Musa, former Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh, valiant Freedom Fighter has been elected as President and Wahidur Rahman former Ambassador to the Government of Bangladesh its Secretary-General.
The full committee will be declared shortly.
The announcement was made on Saturday at a General Conference of the revered association at Dhaka Club presided over by Muhammad Musa who declared them elected unanimously.
In his speech, chief guest Minister A K M Mozammel Huq of the Liberation War Ministry said: “The killers who murdered our Father of the Nation Bangabandhu, the icon of our Freedom Fighters, killed him to destroy Bangladesh and the Bangalee nation and to turn Bangladesh into a East Pakistan again.”
Former Chief of Army, General Harun-Ar-Rashid, Bir Pratik in his address as Special Guest said: “The government under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina is the government of the freedom fighters and pro-liberation people of Bangladesh and we all are behind her and her government as solid as arock.”
The newly elected President, Muhammad Musa, said: “Freedom Fighters are, and always have been, the heroes of the nation. They will continue to remain as its vanguard to meet any challenge like those days of1971 and are always willing and ready to sacrifice their lives to maintain a pro-liberation Government under the charismatic leadership of Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh. The spirit of ’71 will never die.”
The newly elected Secretary-General Wahidur Rahman said, “We are to resist all the fundamentalists and established the spirit of the liberation war of Bangladesh in all spare of our lives.”
