FFs demand coal-fired power plant with help of army

Chittagong Bureau :
Banskhali unit of Muktijudda Sangsad (freedom fighters ) demanded to utilize the armed forces in building the coalfired power plant in Banskhali with quickest possible time.
 A written statement duly signed by 41 freedom fighters of Banskhali led by its commander Subash Achariya sent to Prime Minister requesting to deploy the defence personnels in the proposed site of Banskahli power plant.
The press stastement was told that after implementation of Banskhali coal fired power plant, Chittagong as well the whole country will be benefited and the employment opportunities for huge numbers of workers.
The freedom fighters said ‘ we fought for liberation of the country in 1971 and till our total desire yet to be implemented. They requested the prime minister to engage the armed forces men in building the private sector financed biggest power plant to resist the conspiracy of the vested quarters.