Ferry services resume on Shimulia-Kewrakandi route

UNB, Munshiganj :
Ferry services on the Shemulia-Kewrakandi route in the Padma River resumed after five hours of disruption caused by dense fog on Saturday morning.
Shekhar Chandra Roy, assistant manager of Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) at Shimulia ghat, said river communication on the route was suspended at 3.00 am due to poor visibility caused by dense fog.
Seven ferries—Kalmilata, Karabi, Ramsri, Raipura, Thobal, Lenting and Raniganj-lay anchored in the middle of the river Padma, causing immense suffering to several hundred passengers, he said.
Hundreds of vehicles with several hundred passengers kept waiting on both sides of the river.