Ferry movement almost collapse Huge tailback on Doulatdia-Paturia route

Staff Reporter :
The ferry transport at Aricha is facing difficulty due to heavy current. The water of Jamuna raises at 8.82 centimeter at Aricha point.
Due to the difficulty of ferry transport a long tail back of vehicles are waiting at the Paturia-Doulotdia ferry ghat. About 700 truck-buses are waiting on the queue.
The BIWTC official at Aricha said, Bir Shrestho Hamidur Rahman and
Bir Shrestho Motiur Rahman, two ferries could not carry vehicles and came back at the ghat due to the heavy current. Four out of 18 ferries are useless at Paturia.
The Doulatdia ghat sources said, a tailback of vehicle crosses five kilometers area from ghat area to Goalanda Feed Mill.
On the otherhand, hundreds of trucks and buses are waiting around two kilometers area at Paturia ghat. The tailback crosses Utholi to Shibalaya Sadaruddin College area. The tailback is increasing in each seconds. Due to the heavy current the ferries are taking double time than in normal.
A master officer of Bhasha Shaheed Barkat ferry said, due to the heavy current in the river and raise of water it is taking more time. There are some submerge sand land that also cause slow movement of the ferry.
“Due to the broken banks and risky pontoon, loading and unloading of vehicles are taking more time than usual,” he said. A truck driver said, we passing last two days waiting for crossing ferry. As our time is passing more we are losing our time and money to transport the goods.