Opinion: Feminism not for making men weak or women strong

Arshi Ayub Mohammed Zaveri

As a human and as a woman, the word feminism is synonymous with existence. As feminists, we are supposed to strive for gender equality. That isn’t what feminism implies and we need to stop saying that women want to be equal to men.
Feminism is NOT a movement to make women equal to men. It is the liberation of women and girls from patriarchy and misogyny that continues to maltreat and oppress them as a class of people.
It is the conversation about women’s issues, acknowledging that men have experiences and feelings, too. Feminism recognises that women are less privileged than men in today’s world – not that women deserve more rights because they are superior to men. Feminism is not about making men weak or women strong. It’s about giving everyone the power to be strong – ambitious, vulnerable, caring, aggressive, opinionated – based on their personalities and experiences, and regardless of their gender.
Let me make it clear. Feminism is not about male bashing. Real change will come when we rise and dismantle patriarchy together – as men and women. What would happen if we flatten patriarchal beliefs? What could emerge could be a world where men show their emotions. We could have a society where women are not objectified as sex toys. A society in which rape isn’t a constant threat to women and girls.
Patriarchy harms men, but oppresses women. I am a proud woman and entirely owe my intellectual development and wisdom to a man: my father. Feminism must include men, not just as supportive allies but as partners, with a strong voice and humanity.

(The writer is Director, Private Office of Sheikh Tahnoon bin Saeed bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan)
