Tenant Imam held: Female lawyer murdered in Moulvibazar


Staff Reporter :
A female lawyer was found dead at her village home at Madhabgul in Borolekha upazila of Moulvibazar district early Monday. Abida Sultana, 35, daughter of late Abdul Kaiyum and wife of Shariful Islam, might have been murdered sometime between afternoon and evening on Sunday, said Officer-in-Charge of Borolekha Police Station Yasinul Huq.
Police arrested the suspected Imam of a local mosque in this connection and are also looking for some other suspected criminals.
Abida was a member of the District Lawyer’s Council.
Both the Police Bureau of Investigation and local police have inspected the spot of incident.
Quoting family members, Yasinul Haque said, Abida used to live in the district town since her marriage and often visited her village home.
On Sunday, Abida came to her village home at Madhabgul and her phone was found switched off since 4:00pm on the day. Worried, her family members rushed to the village home and found one of room of the house locked.
Sensing something wrong, they called in police who broke into the room and recovered Abida’s body around 3:00am.
The body that bore several injury marks was sent to local hospital morgue for autopsy. It is still not clear what caused the death.
Meanwhile, police arrested Tanvir Ahmed, Imam of the local mosque and also a tenant of the house, from Baruna in Srimangal upazila, at noon, for his suspected involvement in the incident, said Abdu Salek, Officer-in-Charge of Srimangal Police Station.
“We are preparing the initial report. We have also detained (the suspect) Tanvir’s mother and wife. We are interrogating them,” he said. Members of District Ainjibi Samity staged demonstrations demanding punishment of those responsible for the murder.
They also brought out a procession on the court premises to press home their demand.
