Feeding to the destitute – a rare humanity !

A J M Nasir Uddin Education and Scholarship Parishad brought out a rally in the Port City on the occasion of National Mourning Day recently.
A J M Nasir Uddin Education and Scholarship Parishad brought out a rally in the Port City on the occasion of National Mourning Day recently.
Sarwaruddin, Ctg Bureau :
The elderly women without any particular addresses are roaming in the Roazan upazila areas since long .No body yet to trace her whereabouts . She has no headache of sunlight, rain . She walks all along the days and nights without any destinations and aims .
Every one knows her as mad . When she deserves hungry, she stands before the gate of any hotel without any asking. Sensing her desire of foods, kind hearted people with sympathy feeds hers with entire satisfaction . But sometimes , it witnessed that some one hate her. Witnessing her desire , a generous person get down from a vehicle and feeds her with Birani with mineral water and she takes food with full pleasures and uttered her wish saying” Baba Where you were for long time “It is learnt from the locals, this kind hearted man was the Councilor of No.9 Ward of Raozan Pourshava Md. Zamiruddin Parvez.
Local sources said councilor Parvez always kind hearted to the destitutes and hapless and he feeds to the beggars, urchins in any feeding programs.
Sources said during Eid festival, Zamiruddin also provides new clothes , dresses to the destitutes, beggars and shows rare humanity to the poors, hapless. Our Raozan
Correspondent sources said Zamiruddin Parvez said he enjoys pleasures if feeds to the beggars and needy people while he was asked.
He also wish to continue his humanity to the poors till his death.