Feed hungry daily wage earners for success of lockdown


A news report published in this daily on Tuesday said the ongoing countrywide strict lockdown imposed on Thursday to curb the corona pandemic has badly affected the livelihoods of millions of poor and low-income groups of people, such as day-labourers, transport workers, street vendors, domestic help and construction workers across the country. Most of them have already been rendered jobless due to the restrictions. They are in an urgent need of food and jobs.
On genuine grounds, a substantial number of poor people have to go out of their homes during the shutdown period to earn the daily bread, as they have no other options to maintain themselves and their families. They often face obstacles from the members of law enforcement agencies who remain on duty to enforce lockdown. According to experts, if the people from the lower income group are given food and cash support, they can stay home. Otherwise, they will be compelled to go to the street to earn their living. They have no food in their stocks at home as they manage their food on their daily income.
It is shocking that councillors of the two City Corporations of Dhaka are yet to receive any allocation from the government or even from their corporations. They are running relief activities for the poor at their own initiatives. However, such initiatives can cover only a limited number of people. The government has launched an aid scheme of Tk 23 crore to support the urban poor whose livelihoods have been severely disrupted due to the loss of income. As part of the scheme, the Disaster Management and Relief Ministry has allocated rice and cash for both the Dhaka city corporations to distribute those among the poor. The government also allocated Tk 7.77 crore and 22,830 tonnes of rice for distribution among the unemployed people, including transport workers, considering the impact of the pandemic. But due to systemic problems distribution of the aid has not started.
It is to be noted that rickshaw pullers, who are allowed to continue work during the lockdown, are not faring well. With most people staying indoors due to the lockdown, there is very little work available for them on the streets. These people need urgent support to have three meals a day. Only by ensuring the supply of food and cash to the poor and the unemployed, the government can make the very purpose of the lockdown meaningful. Otherwise, the jobless and penniless people will continue to go hungry by being forced to keep indoors.
