Fears of fresh violence ahead of new Gaza protest

Thousands of Palestinians are expected to rally at Gaza’s border Friday despite warnings from Israel that its open-fire rules will not change, raising fears of fresh violence after the the bloodiest day for Gazans in years.
The planned demonstration comes a week after Israeli troops killed 18 Palestinians during a protest at the heavily
from Denmark on his way to Belgium, where he lives in self-imposed exile.
The former Catalan leader is wanted in Spain on sedition and other charges over last year’s independence vote.
But a German court has warned he could still face extradition.
On Thursday, the court in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein rejected “rebellion” as grounds for Mr Puigdemont’s extradition to Spain and set bail at 75,000 euros (£65,000; $90,000).
Leaving court on Friday afternoon, he thanked his supporters around the world, saying: “Our fight is for democracy, not just for self-determination.”