Fear of social stigma costs life of a newborn


Staff Reporter :
A teenage mother tried to kill her new born baby boy – who was only minutes old – by throwing him from a sixth-floor balcony because she feared adverse social reaction of the unsocial birth, officials said.
It was really miracle! Beauty Begum’s naked and bloody baby boy was still breathing when police rescued the victim from the sunshade of a first floor apartment at Bailey Road under Ramna Police Station in the city on Monday morning.
The infant was fighting for survival lying in the bed of Ad-din Hospital in Mogbazar area till the time of filing this report last night. On the other hand, the mother Beauty Begum was sent by police to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) for recovery.
Raman police said Beauty, 15, daughter of Abu Bakkar, had been working as housemaid in the residence of Azmal Hoque at sixth-floor of Property Housing at Bailey Road since last nine years.
When contacted, Sub Inspector of Ramna Police Station Aminul Islam told The New Nation last night, “The woman [Beauty] tried to kill her newborn baby throwing him from the sixth-floor of an apartment. The teenaged mother became pregnant being allegedly raped by her elder sister’s husband when she visited Comilla last year.”
Police said they would conduct an investigation to unearth the mystery behind the incident.
