FBI to assist ACC recover money laundered to US, Canada


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will assist the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in recovery of the money that was laundered to the United States of America and Canada.
FBI officials said this at a three-day-long training on “Protecting Public Integrity: Investigating and Prosecuting Complex Corruption Cases,” organised by the US Embassy in Dhaka on Saturday (May 21).
A total of 20 investigators of the anti-graft watchdog took part in the training, which kicked off on May 19 in a bid to increase their skills in dealing with money laundering.
An official of the ACC who took part in the training said, “With this training assistance, the ACC can form a joint investigation team with the FBI in dealing with the complex corruption cases.”
He also said, “In such cases, the FBI will help recover and freeze money siphoned off to the USA and Canada illegally or via hundi and send related documents to ACC.”
“Upon the request for mutual legal assistance, they will help the Anti-Corruption Commission from there and send relevant information quickly,” the ACC official added.
