FBI head ‘nauseous’ over his possible sway on US poll

BBC Online :
FBI Director James Comey has said it makes him “mildly nauseous” to think that he could have had an impact on the US presidential election.
But Mr Comey said he thought concealing the discovery of new Hillary Clinton emails would have been “catastrophic”.
The comments came during a Senate panel on FBI oversight, in which Mr Comey faced tough questions about his inquiry into Mrs Clinton’s private email use.
Mr Comey added that “even in hindsight I would make the same decision”.
The remarks are the FBI chief’s first public explanation of why he reopened an investigation into Mrs Clinton’s use of a private
email server just days before last November’s presidential election.
“It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election,” Mr Comey said on Wednesday. “But, honestly, it wouldn’t change the decision.”
Mr Comey added that failing to inform Congress would have been an “act of concealment”.