Brett Kavanaugh: FBI contacts Deborah Ramirez for interview

BBC Online :
The FBI has approached the second woman to accuse US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct as it begins a fresh inquiry into him.
Deborah Ramirez accuses Judge Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her during a drinking game when they were students
at Yale University in the 1980s. He has denied the allegation, describing it as a smear.
President Donald Trump ordered a new investigation after the judge’s first accuser testified to a Senate panel.
The panel approved Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination but asked for the further inquiry before the full Senate votes on his appointment to America’s top court.
Despite ordering the FBI investigation, President Trump has continued to defend his nominee Mr Kavanaugh, who denies all the allegations against him.
On Saturday, Mr Trump said the FBI had “free rein” to investigate the judge.
“They’re going to do whatever they have to do, whatever it is they do. They’ll be doing things that we have never even thought of. And hopefully at the conclusion everything will be fine,” the president said.
The Supreme Court has the final say on some of the most contentious matters in the US and appointments are for life. Judge Kavanaugh is expected to tilt the court in favour of conservatives.
Her lawyer, John Clune, announced that the FBI had “reached out” to interview his client and she had agreed to co-operate with their investigation. He made no further comment.
Ms Ramirez alleges the incident occurred during the 1983-4 academic year when they were both taking part in a drinking game at a dormitory party. At one point, she told the New Yorker, a plastic penis was pointed in her direction and Brett Kavanaugh then apparently showed his actual penis, which she accidentally touched when she pushed him away.
In the interview, she acknowledges gaps in her memory caused by alcohol that night, which is said to have made her hesitant to come forward when contacted.
Christine Blasey Ford testified to the Senate committee that he had sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers in the 1980s.