FBCCI wants Canada’s support in exploring marine resource


Business Desk :
Praising Canada’s flourishing blue economy, experts at a webinar on Tuesday said Bangladesh will benefit much by utilising its marine resources with Canadian investment, technical knowledge and assistance.
The observation was made at a virtual programme of the Canada-Bangladesh Joint Working Group, said a press release on Wednesday.
Nominated members of the governments of Bangladesh and Canada joined the programme to discuss forming a joint working committee to brand Bangladesh in Canada for enhanced investment and trade.
Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) President Jashim Uddin and Cofounder and Vice Chairman of Consumer Health Nuzhat Tam-Zaman jointly chaired the meeting.
Jashim Uddin mentioned at the webinar that Bangladesh has a 710km-long coastline with an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles inside the Bay of Bengal. Yet, most of the marine resources remain untapped.
“With Canadian investment, technical knowledge and assistance, Bangladesh’s economy will move forward by utilising its marine resources. FBCCI would soon submit a sector-wise report on the blue economy, plastics and tourism to the working committee,” he added.
