FBCCI calls for withdrawal of hartal


UNB, Dhaka :Expressing deep concern at the hartal call, the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) on Sunday urged the BNP-led 20-party alliance to withdraw their Monday’s daylong hartal.”Destructive programmes like hartal will push the country’s economy towards a debacle and uncertainty. The country’s business community is deeply concerned in this regard. Creating anarchy and damaging public life and property in the name of hartal are in no way acceptable. So, the FBCCI earnestly requests for calling off the Monday’s dawn-to-dusk hattal,” the apex trade body said in a statement.The statement observed that a trade and investment-friendly atmosphere is prevailing in the country with a positive trend in the forex reserve, remittance, foreign investment, and import-export activities, saying investors from different countries like Japan and China have shown their interests to invest in Bangladesh.”When such is the situation, any negative programmes, including hartal, will only destroy the country’s image and discourage the investors,” it said.Mentioning the two-phase countrywide 48-hour hartal called by Jamaat-e-Islam with the last phase on progress, the FBCCI said another daylong hartal will adversely affect the daily public life, production, goods supply and education sectors.It also said the commercial activities, including transportation of sacrificial cattle ahead of Eid-ul-Azha, are being hindered due to the hartal which will wreck havoc on economy and commerce.
