FB used to ‘incite real harm’ in Myanmar: Zuckerberg

UNB, Dhaka :
Fac ebook’s chief executive and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg on Monday said the social media company is aware that its tools have been used to spread anti-Rohingya propaganda and “incite real harm” in Myanmar.
In an interview with online news site Vox, he said Facebook is paying attention to its role as a platform for disseminating messages that could fuel conflict between Rohingya

Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists, reports Singapore’s daily The Straits Times.
“The Myanmar issues have, I think, gotten a lot of focus inside the company. I remember, one Saturday morning, I got a phone call and we detected that people were trying to spread sensational messages through – it was Facebook Messenger in this case – to each side of the conflict, basically telling the Muslims, Hey, there’s about to be an uprising of the Buddhists, so make sure that you are armed and go to this place.’
