Cancellation of certificate: Fate of 40,000 pvt varsity students uncertain

M M Jasim :
The fates of about 40 thousand students of the 18 private universities have been uncertain due to the in action of the University Grants Commission (UGC) against the irregularities of the University authorities’.
They face severe problems when they apply for jobs in government and private institutions as the UGC announced the certificate of these institutions illegal for violating the Private University Act-2010.
The students also expressed their disappointment at the role of their respective universities because the varsity administration created such problem for administering the universities by the acting Vice-Chancellors.
The students and their guardians have been gathering in front of these universities since November 17 and blamed the administrations for running academic activities by acting Vice-Chancellors.
They asked the authorities that they would not take any responsibility of their irregularities.
A student of Asian University seeking anonymity told The New Nation that she completed her Honours Courses and studying for Masters Degree. But why we will bear the cost of whimsical activities of the university authorities, he asked.
 “I am applying in many institutions for job submitting the university’s degree. Some offices called me for viva-voce. But after declaration of the UGC, everything has been stopped. I do not know what I will do now,” she said.
Rifat Hossain, a student of Premier University, told this correspondent that they went to the university and wanted to know about the UGC’s announcement. But the administration could not provide any answer to them.
 “The University authorities told us to wait for some more days and assured us that everything would be solved soon,” he said.
A guardian of North Western University in Khulna said, his only son is studying in Honours courses.
His family is anxious about their son’s future.
Meanwhile, some students blamed the UGC for not informing them before their admission. They said that it was difficult for a student to search who is VC or getting information about VC before admission.
Some of the students also said that the UGC did not take any stern action against the Universities before banning certificates.
Rejecting the allegations of the students, the UGC officials said that they sent many letters to the universities to appoint the permanent VC, Pro-VC and other top officials. But the authorities did not give any attention to their letters.
UGC Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan told The New Nation that the commission asked the universities to follow the Private University Act-2010 for running their institutions smoothly.
 “Our officials visited many universities and gave them enough time to run the institutions with permanent VC. But they disobeyed UGC’s directives. So we took the decision and declared their certificate without permanent VCs’ signature illegal,” he said.
He also asked the students not to be worried about their certificates as they would get certificates after appointment of the permanent VCs of their respective universities.