Fast-tracked Manikganj power plant fails to start operation

UNB, Dhaka :
Fast-tracked 162MW Manikganj HFO-based power plant failed to commence commercial operation as per the schedule.
Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) sources said the plant was scheduled to go into operation in January 1 this year. “But it only made 70 percent progress until July 14,” said a top BPDB official.
Sources said China’s Consortium of Changzhou Hutang Coal Power Co Ltd, and Bangladesh’s Icon Enterprise Ltd, and Chase Power Ltd obtained the project as unsolicited offer which the government awarded as a priority project.
The progress of the project was discussed at a review meeting at the Power Division in July. According to a report placed at the meeting, the letter of intent was issued on April 2 last year with implementation of the project within nine months. This set the date for starting commercial operation by January this year.
A review meeting on November 11 last year noted that the engine of the power plant reached the project site in October and the commercial operation could start in March 2019.