Farzana Chhoby’s post-wedding reception


Post-wedding reception of popular TV actress Farzana Chhoby and Tonmoy Sarkar was held at Falcon Hall in the city’s Shahinbagh area on Friday night.
Earlier, Chhoby and Tonmoy’s aqdh and gaye halud were held on April 17 and May 5 respectively.
Noted and popular actors and actresses Dr Enamul Haque, Wahida Mollick Jolly, Pijush Bandyopadhyay, Jayosree Kar Jaya, Parvin Sultana Diti, Uttam Guha-Chittralekha Guha, Tanvin Sweety, Bipasha Hayat, Azizul Hakim-Zinat Hakim, Moushumi Biswas, Monira Mithu, Lux star Shoma, Kalyan Coraiya, beautician Kaniz Almas Khan, director Nazrul Koreshi, Ashim Gomez, Kaisar Ahmed, Shushoma Sarkar, Juboraj Khan, Gazi Rakayet, singer Nirjhor, Lux star Chaity, among others, attended the function. While sharing her feelings Chhoby told this correspondent, “I am really grateful to Allah about our wedding. I am really happy to get such a person like my husband, Tonmoy.” It may be mentioned that Tonmoy is working as Associate Professor at Dhaka Commerce College now.
