Faruque Hossain : A successful pulses farmer

SATKHIRA: Faruque Hossain seen at his pulses field.
SATKHIRA: Faruque Hossain seen at his pulses field.
A Correspondent, Satkhira :
Md Faruque Hossain, son of late Mir Hayatunnabi is a farmer . He is 38 years old and has been living in village Bhadra under Kushkhali Union under Satkhira Sadar Upazila in Satkhira district.
 He owns a small farm of five bigha of land which gave only one crop in a year. The produces from this land were only sources for maintaining his family of four persons including his wife, daughter and son.
Due to the frequently happened heavy rainfall and flash flood, he has not been having good harvest of his only crop of Aman paddy for last several years. It was very difficulties for him for smoothly maintenance both of his family as well as his small farm. In this context, Biv, a non-governmental organization of southwestern Bangladesh selected Md. Faruque Hossain as the beneficiary of ICARDA/IFAD funded project on cultivation pulses in fallow land following modern technology.
As part of cultivation of high yielding variety of pulses in the fallow land using improved technology, Md. Faruque Hossain was provided with training on cultivation technology of modern lentil varieties. The contents of mentioned training on various cultivation techniques of modern pulses varieties include land preparation, variety selection, seed collection and treatment, seed sowing, crop’s intercultural operations, weeding, pest management, fertilization; specially preparation and application of manure, irrigation and drainage, crop harvesting, post harvest management including threshing, cleaning, drying, grading, bagging and storage, seed management and marketing.
After successful completion of training, Md. Faruque Hossain was provided with 25 kg seeds of BARIMosur-6 for cultivation of 5 bigha of land. Additionally, he was provided with 10 kg of urea and 25 kg of TSP fertilizers free of cost. With the on field consultation of Field Worker of Biva and Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO) local office of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) of the government of Bangladesh, he cultivated BARIMosur-6 covering 5 bigha of land. Md. Faruque Hossain was too devoted to the cultivation of lentil, he invested his all sorts of efforts to gain a handsome return.
Though the climate of this year was not friendly towards successful cultivation of pulses, however, he got a harvest of satisfactory level. At the rate of average yield 220 kg per bigha, Md. Faruque Hossain got a total of 1,100 kg lentil from five bigha of land. Out of 1,100 kg of produced lentil, 500 kghigh quality lentil was suppliedas seed to Village Based Seed Enterprises (VBSE) price of which would be approximately BDT. 45,000/-; 100 kg high quality lentil was stored at his household for next year to cultivate price of which would be approximately BDT. 9,000/-;100 kg was preserved for household consumption price of which would be approximately BDT 6,200/-and400 kg was already sold and at the rate of BDT. 62/= total sold price was BDT. 24,800/-.Total value of the sold and collected lentil (including for household consumption and use as seeds for next cropping)would be BDT. 85,000/-. Moreover, he got additional BDT. 2,500/- selling byproducts of lentil lentil like bran and husk. So, his total of gross return from cultivation of lentil was BDT. 87,500/-.The cost of production for per bighaof land was BDT. 8,696/- and total cost of production for five bigha of land was BDT. 43,480/-. So, his net return from cultivation of lentil in five bigha of land was BDT. 44,020/= (US$ 527).
As a training graduate, in addition to the cultivation technology, Md. Faruque Hossain has also acquired knowledge about the food value of lentil; specially the benefits of pulses consumption as the alternative sources of protein. So, in daily menu of his family, as an essential item, pulses (lentil) has been included which is contributing to fulfilling protein requirement of his family. It will be contributing to development of a healthy family.
Now, the family of Md. Faruque Hossain is financially more solvent. He has additional cash as savings to expend more for education of his son, family health and other wellbeing. He gained more financial ability to cultivate pulses covering more land in next year and he has planned to expand pulses cultivation in next Robi season. Md. Faruque Hossain is not only expanding pulses cultivation in next season, his success is inspiring more farmers to be involved in pulses cultivation in fallow land after harvesting of Aman paddy..