Farmers produce 20.56 lakh tonnes of Boro paddy in Rangpur

BSS, Rangpur :
Farmers have produced over 20.56 lakh tonnes of Boro paddy under Rangpur agricultural region this season.
The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) has fixed a target to produce 20.69 lakh tonnes of the crop, but the target could not be achieved due to some reasons, including attack by diseases. DAE sources said farmers of the region have cultivated Boro on over 5.05 lakh hectares of land this year which is higher than 0.60 percent than the fixed farming target.
Meanwhile, the DAE fixed target of producing 7.17 lakh tonnes of hybrid Boro rice from 1.51 lakh hectares of land, 13.49 lakh tonnes of high yielding variety from 3.48 lakh hectares and 3.49 tonnes local variety Boro from 1,884 hectares of land this time.
The farmers had finally cultivated hybrid variety Boro rice in 1.51 lakh hectares of land, high yielding variety on 3.49 lakh hectares and local variety on 2,115 hectares exceeding the fixed farming target by 3,065 hectares of land in the region.
To make the Boro framing programme successful, over 2.43 lakh power and diesel driven deep tube wells, shallow tube wells, low lift pumps and solar panel driven pumps were put into operation for irrigating the Boro fields in all five districts under the region, said the DAE sources.
“Despite exceeding the fixed farming target of Boro crop this season, the rice production target fell short due to attacks by leaf blast and neck blast diseases and untimely rainfalls in May,” said Horticulture Specialist of the DAE Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam. Regional Additional Director of DAE Md Shah Alam said the farmers got better yield rate of Boro as a result of smooth cultivation of the crop, timely supply of electricity, diesel, other inputs and facilities by the government.