Farmers in Rangpur flood-hit areas worried over fodder shortage


Rangpur Correspondent :
Farmers at different flood affected areas in Rangpur district are worried as severe shortage of fodder has been prevailing in the areas.
According to sources many grass fields in the flood affected areas, especially in char areas under Gangachara, Kawnia and Pirgachha upazila have been inundated by the recent flash flood caused by heavy downpour and onrush of water from the upstream during last couple of weeks, causing much problem to the cattle owners.
People living in Teesta and other river basins are the worst sufferers of the situation.It is alleged that due to scarcity of green fodder prices of hay, oilcakes ,wheat bran and other fodders have also increased.A good number of farmers said that they are forced to sell their cattle at lower prices as presently cattle rearing has become so tough for them.According to sources per maund of hay is being sold between Tk390 to Tk450 in the local market while the same quantity of fodder was sold between Tk270 to Tk300 a couple of weeks ago. Khairul, a farmer of Soudpara village in Gangachara upazila said that flood caused massive havoc to his properties including house and crop fields, leaving him a pauper . Now he cannot afford to rear his cows due to crisis of fodder and its high price.
Farmers said as they are not able to collect green fodder from the submerged grazing fields of the flood affected areas. It is not possible for them to buy sufficient fodder owing to soaring price of other fodder. Consequently, their cattle are getting weak and vulnerable to diseases.
District Livestock Office sources said fodder crisis has become acute in the char areas under the region as green grass on a vast tract of land has been inundated by flood water. The crisis is expected to be resolved if flood situation becomes normal and new grasses will begin to grow, sources added.
Enhancing fish production for improving rural
economy stressed
BSS adds: Enhanced fish production by ensuring proper utilisation of water bodies and latest technologies, involving the real fishermen, could improve rural economy cutting poverty.
Fisheries experts expressed the opinions at a ceremony arranged for distribution of identity cards among fishermen by the Department of Fisheries (DoF) at upazila parishad auditorium in Syedpur upazila town in Nilphamari on Saturday afternoon. Whip of the opposition in the Jatiya Sangshad Alhaj Md Shawkat Ali, MP, attended the ceremony and distributed identity cards among 225 fishermen of five unions and Syedpur pourashava as the chief guest.
With Syedpur Upazila Nirbahi Officer Abu Saleh Md Musa Jongi in the chair, Syedpur upazila Vice-chairmen Azmal Hossain and Rawnak Jahan Rinu and Nilphamari District Fisheries Officer Shah Jafar Imam Sadek attended the ceremony as the special guests.
Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer for Syedpur Deepak Kumar Paul delivered welcome speech narrating the goals and objectives of distribution of the identity cards among the real fishermen.
Officer-in-Charge of Syedpur Thana Amirul Islam, fishermen Tulshi Chandra Das and Keshob Chandra Das also spoke.
The speakers called for finding out the real fishermen and giving lease of the government water bodies to them along with providing necessary assistance to increase production of fish and explore tremendous economic prospect of the fisheries sector.
