Farmers for expanded cultivation of flood tolerant rice

BSS, Rangpur :
Tens of thousands of farmers have already completed preparing seedbeds for expanded cultivation of flood-tolerant variety rice during this Aman season after getting repeated bumper productions in the previous seasons.
Excellent yield of flood tolerant rice in the previous seasons has made the farmers enthusiastic as the growing plants survived submergence for over two weeks to resume normal growth after recession of floodwater.
According to farmers, growing plants of flood tolerant BRRI dhan51,
BRRI dhan52, BINA dhan11 and BINA dhan12 rice survived submergence for two weeks, or even more, during floods to ultimately give better yield in the previous seasons.
Basing on their success, the framers have been showing keen interests in cultivating flood tolerant rice varieties in the low-lying areas to enhance rice output for attaining sustainable food security under changing climatic conditions.
Talking to BSS, Farmer Lal Mian of village Patrokhata in Kurigram said his growing plants of BINA dhan11 successfully sustained 24-day submergence at a stretch last season to resume normal growth after recession of floodwater.
“After one week of transplantation since August 9 in 2014, floodwater inundated my growing BINA dhan11 plants along with all other growing traditional variety Aman rice fields in the surrounding area on August 15 then,” he said.
He said floodwater receded after 24 days of inundation from his field on September 9 last year when only little sign of transplanted BINA dhan11 seedling remained in rotten state and the traditional variety Aman fields were completely damaged all-around.
“After one week since recession of floodwater, the rotten hills (remains) of transplanted seedling started growing again giving birth to new tillers and my field again turned green miraculously within next two weeks,” he said.
“Finally, I got 4.5 tonne yield per hectare of BINA dhan11 rice last year,” said Lal Mian adding that the phenomenon soon created huge enthusiasm among local farmers as all other traditional Aman rice plants were totally damaged in surrounding areas.
Farmers Beauty Begum of village Kanipara and Profulla Roy of village Purbo Echlee in Rangpur said they cultivated flood tolerant BINA dhan12 and BRRI dhan52 rice on their lands respectively last season.
“We got average yield between 4.5 to 5 tonne per hectare then despite growing plants of the flood tolerant rice varieties remained submerged for 18 days to resume normal growth after recession of floodwater,” they said.
Farmer Suvanol Chandra of village Sankibhanga in Gaibandha got 4.28 tonne yield per hectare of BINA dhan11 last season and despite the growing rice plants remained submerged under floodwater for 19 days.
Farmers Mostaq Ahmed and Boytullah of Lalmonirhat said growing plants BRRI dhan52 rice remained submerged for two weeks last year and they also get excellent yield rate at the end.