Farmers achieve bumper potato production in Rangpur

BSS, Rangpur :
The farmers of all five districts in the northern region achieved a bumper production of over 22 lakh and two thousand tonnes of potato this year.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources, a target of producing 18 lakh and 38 thousand tonnes of potato had been fixed from 91,921 hectares of land in all five districts in the region during the just ended Rabi season.
The farmers, however, had cultivated potato in one lakh six hundred and twelve hectares of land, which was 8,691 hectares or 9.45 percent more than the fixed farming target of potato this time.
“The farmers have produced 22 lakh and two thousand tonnes potato
exceeding its fixed production target by three lakh and 64 thousand tonnes in the region breaking all previous production records,” said Horticulture specialist of DAE Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam.
The DAE, Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation, Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute and other organisations and departments provided adequate quality potato seeds and inputs to the farmers to achieve the success, he added.
Meanwhile, the farmers expressed their pleasure over super bumper potato production and its better market price now.
Farmers Mohammed Esahak Ali and Aiyub Ali of Kathihara village under Sadar upazila in Rangpur said they had already completed potato harvest and got bumper production. Now they were selling those at better price.
Talking to BSS, President of Rangpur District Potato Growers’ Association Alhaj Mohammad Khwaja Ahmed said farmers are happy getting bumper potato production with better price following increasing export of potato in the international market.
“The exporters of Rangpur region have already exported huge quantity of potato to Malaysia, Singapore and some other countries at the price rate of 220 US $ per tonne on an average and the export would be higher this year,” he added.
“The nation has brighter possibility of earning huge foreign currency through exporting potato to Malaysia, Singapore and other countries in future if the current export-friendly situation prevails constantly in the country,” Khwaja mentioned with full confidence.
President of Rangpur Chamber Abul Kashem told BSS that export of potato would be increased largely if the local and foreign entrepreneurs jointly set up potato-based agro-industries and preservation facilities in the region.
“There are tremendous prospects for exporting huge quantity of granular potato from Rangpur region to Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern, African, European and far eastern countries in future,” he added.
Rangpur Regional Additional Director of DAE Shah Alam expressed satisfaction over the super bumper potato production this year in the region.
49,525 tonnes mustard produced
Farmers have produced 49,525 tonnes of mustard oil-seed during the just ended Rabi season in all five districts under Rangpur agriculture region.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources, the farmers have produced 49,525 tonnes of mustard oil-seed after completing harvest on the 38,525 hectares of land in the region.
Earlier, the DAE had fixed a target of producing 54,987 tonnes of mustard oil-seed from 44,705 hectares of land in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat districts under the region for the last Rabi season.
However, the farmers cultivated mustard on 38,525 hectares of land, 6,180 hectares less than the fixed target of bringing 44,705 hectares of land under its cultivation this time in the region.
The farmers finally cultivated mustard on 7,200 hectares of land in Rangpur, 9,475 hectares in Gaibandha, 16,150 hectares in Kurigram, 1,730 hectares in Lalmonirhat and 3,970 hectares of land in Nilphamari districts in the region.
Horticulture Specialist of the DAE Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam told BSS that the farmers completed mustard harvest recently and got excellent yield rate of 1.29 tonnes of the oil-seed per hectare on an average.
“The fixed mustard farming target could not be achieved this time following continuous crop diversification and cultivation of Transplanted Aman crop on more land during the last season,” he said.
Regional Additional Director of DAE Md Shah Alam said the farmers mostly cultivated the high yielding BARI variety mustard oil-seed last season to get excellent yield rate like in the previous years.