Faridpur Mayor suspended on various charges

BSS, Faridpur :
Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives has suspended Faridpur Pourashava Mayor Shaikh Mahatab Ali Methu from his post on various charges of corruption and irregularities.
In a letter signed by the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry Khalilur Rahman and faxed to Deputy Commissioner of Faridpur yesterday (Sunday) afternoon the order reached here.
Earlier on last October 28, 2014 all the Councillors except one who was abroad submitted no confidence bringing various charges of corruptions and irregularities against the Mayor. Accordingly the concerned Ministry formed a probe committee headed by a Deputy Secretary to investigate the matter.
The probe committee after investigation found six allegations correct out eight charges brought against the Mayor. The allegations included irregularities in offering contracts to own people, allotment of Pourashava owned shops to own people, nepotism in appointing teachers in Pourashava run school, transferring the auction money of Tepahola cattle market to personal bank account instead of Pourashava account, sub-standard quality of infrastructure misappropriating huge sum of money and other irregularities.