Faria returning to country this month

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Popular actress and Lux star Faria informed that after returning country she will be engaged with acting again. Right now she is in Malaysia. She is doing masters on media marketing at Asia Pacific University in Technology Park in Malaysia. Her first term final examination is going on now.
Recently Faria’s birthday passed. But she was upset because for the first time she had to pass her birthday without her mother. While sharing her feelings in this regard she told this correspondent, “For the first time I had to pass my birthday without family. I am also missing my mother and two sisters. I am coming to Bangladesh end of this month. I will stay in Bangladesh for two months. After returning country I will work in TV plays and telefilm. I have already talked with some directors in this regard. This time I am returning to keep in mind to work in some good works. I hope I can do it.”
It is noted that last January Faria went to Malaysia for doing her masters. Her father Md Sahab Ullah is now working as Ambassador of Bangladesh in Vietnam. She started her career in showbiz through the ‘Lux-Channel i Superstar’ contest in 2007.
Faria acted first play was Saiful Islam Mannu’s ‘Cholo Na Brishtitey Bhiji.’ Her acted last play was Jibon Shahadat directed ‘Aj Shuvo Din.’ Mosharraf Karim and Tahsan were her co-actors in the play.
Under Sabin’s direction Faria last performed as a model in a TV commercial of ‘RFL.’ Faria acted only movie was Samia Zaman’s ‘Akash Koto Durey.’
