Farhana Yasmin’s solo exhibition at EMK Centre

Entertainment Report :
Solo art exhibition of Farhana Yasmin titled Evanescence was inaugurated at EMK Center in the capital’s Dhanmondi area on Sunday.
The exhibition was jointly inaugurated by Dr Rashid Amin, Associate Professor, Department of Fine Arts of Jagannath University, M M Haikai Hashmi, Deputy Managing Director and Chief Risk Officer of IFIC Bank and Naveed Akbar, Director of EMK Center.
The artist Farhana Yasmin studied in printmaking and had participated in many group exhibitions and two solo exhibitions.
She plays with colors on an empty canvas where time is suspended, drawing from a vast, boundless, immeasurable space and then she bestows her layers of oil colors and acrylic, play with space, and contrast the solid with the ephemeral – the fixed with the fluid. This is done to replicate the forces of nature and how the paint flows through a medium naturally.