Farakka barrage harmful for BD: BNP


Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said in a statement that the Farraka barrage is harmful for Bangladesh..
“Vast of our land in northwest areas of the country are being converted into the desert day by day as the water level of all rivers are declining continuously,” BNP Secretary General said in a statement on the day.
The BNP Secretary General issued a joint statement on the anniversary of the Farakka Long March. The Farakka created huge destructions in the biodiversity in Bangladesh.
Arsenic and other problems made acute sufferings for Bangladeshi people due to unilateral withdrawal of water by the neighboring India from the cross border rivers.
The BNP leader said that the leader of the people Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani led historic Farakka long march on May 16 in 1976 demanding fare share of water from the Ganges through the the Farakka point.
“Thousands of hundreds of the people joined the long march for supporting the demand,” the BNP leader said.
He said that the then Awami League government gave permission to India for the farakka barrage as a test case for several days ignoring its huge destructive impacts on Bangladesh.
“India had taken it for an opportunity and they have kept it run for ever and the Awami League government accepted it shamelessly,” Mirza Fakhrul said.
He said in the statement that Bangladesh did not get rightful share in the common rivers water including the Ganges and the Teesta.
“As a result water crises have become severe day by day and production of crops also become hardship due to lack of water,” the BNP leader said.
If such situation continues the whole country would turn in to a desert, he warned.
