FAO to provide high-range marine research vessel by 2020


Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) on Tuesday assured Bangladesh of providing a high-range ocean research and survey vessel by 2020.
A three-member FAO delegation gave the assurance at a bilateral meeting with State Minister for Fisheries and Livestock Md Ashraf Ali Khan Khasru at the Secretariat here as the ministry sought cooperation of the FAO by providing a ship with the capacity of conducting research and survey in 300-400 feet deep water in the sea, said an official release.
The delegation members were FAO Representative to Bangladesh Robert Doulas Simpson, Assistant Representative (programme) Nur Ahmed Khondker and Programme Officer Halima Neyamat.
FAO also assured of providing skills and technological assistances to Bangladesh for the development of the country’s fisheries sector.
The FAO delegation sought cooperation of the state minister for the projects taken under GEF fund for the development of the fisheries sector and under FAO and World Food Programme (WFP) for the welfare of the Rohingya people staying in Bangladesh.
