FAO: Bangladeshi youths coming up with game-changing solutions


Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Representative in Bangladesh Robert Simpson has said that Bangladeshi youths, despite many challenges, are coming up with innovative game-changing solutions that can leverage transformation in the agriculture and food sector.
He highlighted the achievements of youth in the agri-food system of the country while addressing an event marking International Youth Day on Thursday.
Simpson said private sector partners are promoting small-scale farming and agri-businesses to maximize their profit through access to finance, agricultural inputs, advisory services, insurance, and markets; and creating applications as a one-stop virtual sales solution.
He also talked about the important roles of academia, private sector actors, NGOs, development partners, and the government, in nurturing the youth.
International Youth Day celebrates the qualities of young people and recognises the challenges that today’s youth face.
The theme of International Youth Day 2021 is “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health,” with the aim of highlighting that the success of such a global effort will not be achieved without the meaningful participation of young people.
More than 50 students from seven different universities of the country joined in a discussion with six young entrepreneurs and professionals to emphasize the youths’ role in transforming the food systems.
The event was organized by FAO’s Dhaka Food System project, an initiative funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Professor Dr Lutful Hassan, the vice-chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), graced the event as the chief guest.
Paula Schindeler, the deputy head of mission t the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, was present as the special guest.
“This year’s IYD theme is timely and promising. It is now well recognized that simply producing food will not ensure human and planetary wellbeing. Social-, economic- and environmental aspects of food systems are equally important for a healthier planet,” said Paula.
“For that, we have to convert the existing food system where we will need more and more innovative and capable young people to boost the transformation process,” she said.
