Family to donate Avijit’s body to DMCH

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The family of slain writer Avijit Roy has decided to donate his body to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) for medical research following his wish.
His cousin Bishnu Roy told about the decision on Friday, a day after the brutal killing.
“Avijitda had a wish that his mortal remains should be donated for the research of medical students. The family has taken the decision [to donate his body to DMCH] to honour his wish,” he said.
The body of Avijit, a writer noted for his works against religious extremism, would be kept in front of Dhaka University’s Aparajeyo Bangla on Sunday for
people to pay their last respect, acting chief of Ekattorer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee Shahriar Kabir said. Kabir, a friend of Avijit’s father-a well-known physicist Ajay Roy who taught at Dhaka University, said he was communicating with the university administration over the matter. The body embalmed at the DMCH mortuary after autopsy, Kabir said.
It would be handed over to the DMCH after people’s paying respect on Sunday, he added.
Bangladesh-born US citizen Avijit, a bio-engineer, was hacked to death by unidentified assailants in Dhaka University area on Thursday night. His wife Rafida Ahmed Bonya was seriously injured in the attack. She is now undergoing treatment at Dhaka’s Square Hospital. Writer-blogger Avijit had been threatened by extremists over his writings against religious fanaticism. Police are yet to arrest anyone or find any clue to the brutal murder that took place just a few hundred yards away from Shahbagh Police Station.
In a similar attack in the same area on Feb 27, 2004, prominent writer Humayun Azad, who wrote against religious zealots, was hacked to death. Investigation found that Islamic extremists were linked to the murder.
Blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider was also hacked to death by suspected extremists near his house at Mirpur in February, 2013. Bangladesh mourns the language martyrs of Feb 21, 1952 throughout the month.