Councillor Ekram's death: Family seeks PM’s intervention, fair probe

UNB, Cox’s Bazar :
The family of ‘gunned down’ Teknaf municipal ward councilor Ekramul Haque demanded on Thursday a fair probe into the ‘shady circumstances’ that led to his death and sought a prime minister’s intervention into the matter.
In a press conference, Ekramul’s wife Ayesha Begum said that a member of an intelligence agency on May 26 called her husband on the pretext of purchasing a land.
She claimed that the same official had contacted him two weeks earlier and had also introduced him to a RAB official.
Citing evidence in the form of recorded voice calls, she said that the final outgoing call made to Ekramul’s number was by his daughter at11:32 pm on May 26. While the call was received, no response was heard apart from a conversation in the background where one individual asked another whether he was involved, with the other person denying any involvement.
The conversation was followed by sounds of gunshot and Ekramul’s screams.
A voice was later heard, asking someone else to “shoot at the car.”
The second last call to Ekramul was also made by his daughter on11:13 pm, where Ekramul told her, sobbing, that he was going to Hrila with the same ‘Major’ who came to meet that night.
Ayesha said, that investigating the voice records would prove that killing Ekramul was premeditated and not part of any ‘gunfight’.
She refuted the official press release issued by RAB regarding his death, citing wrong information which clearly showed that the entire incident was staged.
Despite his financial hardship, he was never involved in the drug trade, rather was vocal against it, Ayesha added.
Citing his loyalty and dedication to Awami League, she pleaded for the intervention of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, to look into the matter.
Local Awami League leader and Teknaf ward councilor Ekramul Haque was killed in what Rab claimed was a “gunfight” between the elite force and drug peddlers in Cox’s Bazar.