Family seeks Khaleda’s release, permission for treatment abroad


Staff Reporter :
Family members of the BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia have sought her release and permission for medical treatment abroad in a letter sent to the government on Sunday.
Begum Khaleda Zia’s younger brother Shamim Iskander has sent the letter addressing the Home Minister outlining her serious sickness for long.
“The letter was sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs on Sunday afternoon,” said BNP Chairpersons media wing member Shayrul Kabir Khan.
BNP Chairperson’s personal secretary BM Abdus Sattar and the Party Chairperson’s advisory council member Bijon Kanti Das took the letter to the Ministry.
In his letter to the Home Minister, Shamim
Iskander has sought unconditional release of his elder sister Khaleda Zia. It also urged for the government permission to go abroad for higher medical treatment.
The former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia was sent to jail in 2018 after she was convicted in a graft case. The government released her on March 25, 2020 temporarily by an executive order after her family submitted an application to the government during the outbreak of Corona pandemic in the country.
Since then, the release of the BNP top leader has been extended several times with her family members’ applications.
