Coronavirus comment: Fakhrul hits back at AL leaders

Staff Reporter :
BNP on Thursday began their campaign to create awareness about coronavirus outbreak in the country and said that they were not doing politics with it.
The party Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir inaugurated the campaign by distributing leaflets among the passers-by and shopkeepers in front of the party central office at Nayapaltan in the capital on Thursday morning.
The BNP leader said that they began the campaign as a responsible political party and that they instructed all the party units across the country to create awareness among the countrymen and stand by the victims.
He trashed Awami League’s accusation of doing politics with corona issue, saying that their party is performing its political responsibility by identifying the government’s flaws in preventing the spread of the virus.
Fakhrul said, “Coronavirus has become epidemic around the world and it has no relation with politics. But we can’t identify the
shortcomings of the government? If we say anything about it, they (AL) tell us not to do politics with the issue.”
The BNP leader has said that their party has already postponed their countrywide demonstration programme while most of the scheduled programmes of their associate bodies have also been postponed to tackle the coronavirus.
He said that they had asked their all units across the country to raise awareness among people about the virus from their own positions and stand beside the affected people. “We would like to urge people to be aware of the coronavirus and take all the necessary measures to prevent it.”
He said, almost every country in the world has declared emergency and taken necessary steps on priority basis to get rid of the virus. “But unfortunately, awareness has not been raised in our country. The government didn’t give any importance to the issue at the initial stage. Some actions have been taken after three people were infected with the virus.”
He said, there is no screening system at ports, as inadequate thermal scanners have been put in place there. “The thermal scanners at airports are acutely inadequate that the Chinese ambassador has to make a comment about it.”
BNP leader said their party earlier urged the government to shut schools, colleges and universities as part of a precautionary step to check the spread of the coronavirus, but the government could not yet take any decision in this regard.
Referring to media reports, Fakhrul said all the educational institutions have been shut in the USA and emergency has been declared in different states while India has stopped issuing new visas. “The entire world has taken it very seriously. We think had there been a democratic government here, these problems would not have arised in our country.”
He renewed their party’s demand for the release of their party chairperson Khaleda Zia on humanitarian ground.
Later, Fakhrul together with few leaders distributed leaflets titled “Protect Yourself from Corona” among pedestrians, passengers and drivers from Nayapaltan to Nightingale Crossing.