Fakhrul blames govt for rice crisis

UNB, Thakurgaon :
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday alleged that the government itself has created a rice crisis in the country inflicting sufferings on people.
“Rice prices have gone beyond the reach of the common people’s buying capacity, but the ministers
are saying there’s no shortage of rice in the country. We think the government itself has created the rice crisis,” he said.
The BNP leader came up with the allegation while distributing corrugated iron-sheets among flood victims at Thakurgaon Poura Community Centre.
Fakhrul said a serious crisis has been created in the country over Rohingya issue as the government could not handle it properly.
“We’ve been calling upon the government from the beginning of Rohingya problem to give them shelter and make effective diplomatic efforts to mount pressure on Myanmar to take them back,” he said.
The BNP leader said the government did not allow Rohingyas to take shelter in Bangladesh at the initial stage. “They later gave them shelter when the entire world started raising voice in favour of Rohingyas.’
He said, the Rohingya refugees are going through serious sufferings under the open sky while many children are being affected with various diseases getting soaked with rainwater.