Fake notes endangering Eid-shoppers

ORGANISED currency counterfeiters have become restive ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr, the largest festival in the country. Reports said Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) personnel arrested two members of a counterfeit group on Thursday night from the city and confiscated fake notes of Tk 25 lakhs with more currency making materials and tools. As the Eid shopping has picked up they are also on their peak to cheat the people in the market and make easy fortune. There is no alternative to vigilance and only closer watch by members of law enforcing agencies can put them on halt.
News reports said earlier this month RAB arrested five people of a syndicate, including the ringleader, from the city’s Banashree area with fake notes of Tk 1.05 crore along with note printing materials. Two more gangs with spurious notes worth about Tk 9 crore were captured by Detectives in separate drives in the city later last month as they were making fake money targeting the Eid market.
Fake notes have even entered into city’s ATM leaving people to wonder how it makes way through the banks, because only the bank officials replenish the ATM stock and they transport the money to ATM booths. In fact, dealers of fake notes have their network everywhere and there is no doubt they have made infiltration in the banking channel. Mass awareness against the network can help much to protect people from cheating. Market analysts say counterfeit currency syndicates have already circulated millions of taka valued fake currency notes of various denominations across the country targeting big shopping malls and markets. Detectives are arresting gang members but they have their compatriots who give shelter and get them out on bail from jail within a short time. Their shelter from police and quick release by court from jail remain the big impediment to wipe out the syndicates. And this is possible because people in politics to other social circles, besides a section of police and Bangladesh Bank employees are having some nexus with the syndicates to make quick money.
Detectives said one group of forgers supply note making papers and put it on various layouts for producing notes. Another group prints the counterfeit notes. The third group circulates it in the market. They supply it to market through wholesalers and retailers down to shopping malls are well organized. It is noticeable that the gangs run fake note producing machines and tools taking small homes in rent. Big people give them cover. They move from place to place to evade arrest because most of them are known by face to law enforcers. It is advisable that police must not shelter those gangs first and moreover they should run a crackdown every time before any festival like the Eid-ul-Fitr to keep the gangs away from infiltrating the market. There is no doubt police holds the key.