Fake certificate business rampant at DMCH Mastermind arrested

RAB-10 arrested mastermind of fake certificate business MD Arif from DMCH on Monday.
RAB-10 arrested mastermind of fake certificate business MD Arif from DMCH on Monday.

Staff Reporter :
Selling of fake medical certificates (MCs) has become a profitable business for a gang of employees working at Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH). Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) on Monday arrested one of the gang members from the hospital.The arrestee, Arif, a ward boy at DMCH, admitted his involvement in the illegal activity during primary interrogation, said RAB-3 Company Commander (CPC-2) Major Jahangir.
Jahangir said, acting on a tip off, RAB conducted a drive in the nursing college of DMCH from12pm to 3pm on Monday and arrested Arif.
Fake birth and death certificates, fake injury certificates and stamps were recovered his possession.
Initial information suggests that not only Arif, but other employees of DMCH are also involved in this fraudulent activity, he said, adding that Arif used to make and supply fake certificates within a short time.
The RAB official added that an organized crime gang has been selling fake injury and death certificates, and other medical related certificates for a long time.
In many cases, an injury or death certificate is required for a police report. One has to go through the official system to acquire such certificates, which is time-consuming. So the gang forges signature of the respective authorities in exchange for money, he added.
Many people have filed false cases on the basis of fake certificates, Jahangir said.
The matter is being investigated and legal action will be taken, RAB said.
