Failure of central bank encourages irregularities in financial sector


IT was learnt that bank employees feel stressed while performing their duties due to the irrational targets for deposit collection and loan disbursement set by the top management. Few months ago, a research conducted by Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management had unveiled the facts and suggested for setting logical target for the employees given the size of the country’s economy. Presently, entire banking sector has been undergoing volatility due to abnormal amount of loan scams and opening new banks under political consideration. We’re sure this type of pressure on employees would invite unhealthy and unethical competition. The pressure of meeting the high target is one of the major reasons for the occupational stress of bank employees. The monumental target for recovery of disbursed loans is another burden. The top management should turn their attitude from target fulfilment to business sustainability.
What’s most unfortunate is that Bangladesh Bank is unable to play proactive roles in reducing stress of employees in the entire banking sector. The central bank’s different initiatives, including introduction of a six-month maternity leave for women employees and offering facilities for day care centres, have failed to bring any fruitful result. We think, there should be a counsellor who will guide them to overcome the issues they are facing in their professional or personal life. To overcome the situation lenders can arrange workshop on a regular basis. But first of all, the banks should frame policy and guidelines relating to promotion and incentives. Why target for deposit collection will be mandatory for all employees? The government once said merging some small banks can effectively work for the sector, but there is no progress in this regard. In contrary, the government is giving license to open new bank.
What we see that the miserable failure of Bangladesh Bank as a regulator has paved the way for the government to intervene unethically in all major financial decisions. Banking sector is ruined.
