Opinion: Facts from history


Ameer Hamzah :
Chhatra League leaders Sirajul Alam Khan, Kazi Arif Ahmed and Abdur Razzaq formed Swadhin Bangla Nucleas Cell in 1962. Tt was a secret organization aimed to make the then East Pakistan an independent country through armed revolution. Two of them later played a very active role in forming the leftwing Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JSD) on October 31 in 1972. Razzq remained with the Awami League.
Sirajul Alam Khan, Sheikh Fazlul Haque Moni, Tofael Ahmed and Abdur Razzaq structured the Mujib Bahini during the war for independence of Bangladesh in 1971 with the view to thwarting any attempt of causing counter-revolution after independence. Sadly, Mujib Bahini failed to retain its existence because of ideological clash between the top leaders. However, most of the members of this organization joined the leftwing group of the ruling Bangladesh Chhatra League.
The Bangladesh Chhatra League was split in February 1972 between the Marxists and the rightists. DUCSU Vice-President A S M Abdur Rab and Chhatra League General Secretary Shahjahan Siraj played active role in organizing the Marxists with the slogans ‘Revolution, Revolution, Social Revolution; Struggle, Struggle, Class Struggle; and Our aim is Scientific Socialism’. About 80 percents of the country’s university and college students’ unions expressed their solidarity with this group.
On the other hand, Chhatra League President Noore Alam Siddique and DUCSU General Secretary Abdul Quddus Makhan began to organise the rightists with the slogan of establishing Mujibbad, a new doctrine for an welfare state.
JSD was formed on October 31 in 1972 with the aim of establishing a classless society where no man shall exploit another. Major M A Jalil, one of the Sector Commanders during the war for independence of Bangladesh, A S M Abdur Rab and Shahjahan Siraj were chosen as the new party’s president, general secretary and joint-secretary respectively. Surprisingly, the main architect Sirajul Alam Khan’s name was not found in the committee. It is still a mistry.
The JSD and the Sramik League called for forming a revolutionary government, which, the leaders argued, was the demand of the nation of a country achieved through armed struggle. But the Awami League leaders reacted sharply and hit back with strong words. The JSD backed Sramik League controlled almost all the bargaining agents.
The pathetic history of the JSD is that it has been split into five groups on account of pursuing the left adventurism and the right deviation policies. About 30,000 plus workers and leaders of the party sacrificed their lives for an exploitation-free society, but the party is on the way to fade away finally. Many communist and Marxist parties through out the world withered away for failure to pursue correct line. The history of the Pro-Peking Indonesian Communist Party is another example of catastrophee.
