Face climate challenge with youths on board: Bernicat

UNB, Dhaka :
US Ambassador Marcia Bloom Bernicat on Sunday laid emphasis on joint efforts taking the young generation on board to face the challenges posed by climate change with new solutions.
“On this World Environment Day, you’ve given us images of the great challenge climate change poses. Tomorrow and beyond, we’ll work together and find new solutions,” she said. Bernicat said they look to the young generation to carry forward the good works to protect the planet.
The US Ambassador was addressing the World Environment Day student celebration at Independent University Bangladesh (IUB). Bernicat said, environmental problems ‘respect no borders’ and addressing them and achieving sustainable management of natural resources worldwide requires the cooperation and commitment of all countries. “This is a real opportunity to generate positive environmental actions in the coming year,” she said.
Bangladesh, located at the confluence of the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, and the Meghna rivers, is particularly vulnerable to climate change, the US Ambassador observed.
Bernicat said, the coastal zone faces flooding, erosion, rising sea-level and cyclonic storm surges. “These challenges are made worse by the change in climate. Greater variability in rainfall is expected to increase the number and severity of floods and droughts in the coming decades.” The diplomat said the month June is a special month because this is when the United States celebrates National Oceans Month.
“This month, we reaffirm our responsibility to keep our oceans and coastal ecosystems healthy and resilient. We remember our obligations to good ocean stewardship,” Bernicat said adding that the oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and are a natural treasure, a source of food and energy, and a foundation for our way of life.
The US Department of State will host world leaders in Washington later this year for the third annual ‘Our Ocean Conference’. The participants will be tackling thorny challenges to oceans’ wellbeing and will discuss measures to protect and conserve wildlife through sustainable fishing practices and the establishment of marine protected areas.
In this regard, Bernicat said one model they can learn from is Bangladesh’s ‘Swatch of No Ground,” which is a habitat for the endangered fin whale, five species of endangered dolphins, and a host of other marine wildlife. The US envoy applauded the IUB Environment Club for their initiatives not only to dive into the science, but also to weave it with culture and to give the imagery of what is happening to the earth through photography.