Fabiana joins Partex Star Group as DMD


Business Desk :
Fabiana Aziz made new Deputy Managing Director of Partex Star Group, one of the largest conglomerates in the country.
Fabiana completed graduation from the University of Westminster, UK with post-graduate degree in Marketing Management. She is expected to strengthen the group’s business with her knowledge and dedication. She is specialized in digital marketing, communication strategies in international business and market competitions and showed outstanding performances in various educational organizations during her stay in UK, said a press release.
Ecstatic to share the news the Group’s Managing Director Aziz Al Mahmood observed that Fabiana Aziz as part of a new generation to continue the Partex Star Group’s legacy. “With Fabiana’s international exposure and modern-day business knowledge, the group will take the third-generation business to new heights.”
Fabiana Aziz upholds the legacy as a granddaughter of late business icon M A Hashem. Fabiana Aziz is the eldest daughter of Aziz Al Mahmood, Managing Director of Partex Star Group.
