Extreme vetting punches rapist Trump`s face

Abu Hena :
Dominique Strauss Kahn was one among world’s most powerful men. He was the head of the IMF, the lead player to keep the global economy from plunging into a double-digit recession. He also looked fit and ready to become the next president of France. New York’s Sofitel Hotel maid’s allegations of a violent attack as a “crazy man” brought his ambition to an end. The hotel dialed 911 and he was arrested from the airport passenger lounge. On hearing that her husband was accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid, his wife Anne Sinclair flew to New York where she put up the $1 million bail, the $5 million bond, and rented the $50,000 a month house. In 2008 Strauss Kahn admitted an affair with a subordinate.
He called it ‘a personal mistake and a business mistake’. In July 2011, a young French journalist and novelist Tristane Banon claimed that Kahn had attempted to rape her in 2003 but she kept silent on the advice of her mother. Tristane told fellow guests during a TV appearance in 2007 that he had come after her like ‘a chimpanzee in rut’.
Strauss Kahn’s predatory behavior bears similarity to that of Donald Trump who, by his own admission, loses control completely when he is at the height of sexual desire.
In the Sex tape from 2005, obtained and released by The Washington Post, Trump uses viciously vulgar and predatory language as he boasts of his sexual advances hitting on a married woman and grabbing women’s crotches. “I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it, “Trump told Billy Bush, then host of the “Access Hollywood” show, using an expletive for how he tried to have sex with her. ” I moved on her like a bitch, but I could not get there. And she was married.” The three minute video captures Trump reacting to an actress he was about to meet,” I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs (breath mints), just in case I start kissing her”, Trump told Bush.” You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet,” he says. “I don’t even wait. And when you ‘re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.” Such actions and boastful utterances of the Donald Trump are revealing of his way of life. He lives in a sexualized world , where even rejection has its rules and rituals. He thinks it is the prerogative of the rich and the powerful in which only he has fun and secretaries service the boss and employees keep their jobs.
The Trump scandal has got the United States talking in every household and for the first time men and women became aware of the existence of sex perversion in such violent form. According to others women are vulnerable in the country where family life with live and affection is so important. In an article written in Newsweek, Dec 5,2011, Chris Lee observes : Many are likely to find that ‘sex addiction isn’t about being wanted’. Men like Trump are on the prowl because they are not wanted. Such men are basically people who see no reason why they should not get what they want by stealth or by force. In the case of individual criminal figures like Panzram, the psychology is obvious. In the case of rich men like Trump who avoided paying taxes as a”smart man” for decades and “a star” who moved heavily on a married woman “like a bitch, but could not get there, “the psychology is more complicated, but it leads to the same thing, a miscalculation In prison, Klaus Gosmann wrote in his journal: “I would say there is a great difference between me and Raskolinikov (in Leo Tolstoy’s novel Crime and Punishment). Just as long as I don’t get it in the neck from the judge I don’t have to consider myself the perpetrator.” Gosmann did “get it in the neck” from the judge and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Like Gossmann, Donald Trump takes no backward glance of guilt towars the society even when he unleashes his terror on women and attack on Hispanics, African -Americans, refugees fleeing from terror, law abiding unregistered immigrants and Muslims, even disrespecting highly respected great Americans like John McCain. In the demonstration of his bravado and defiance he shows no concurrent feeling of wrong dealing. He knows there is nobody to take him into captivity for tax avoidance and for raping and groping women and grabbing women’s crotches, and no judge is going to “get it in his neck. “The entire video exposure is horrifying beyond belief. He is a man of ‘spoilt’ temperament and he must not be placed in a situation where he can indulge every whim and grow into a monster.
In the age of globalization sex crimes committed by him, now being shown in TV are sending shock waves all around. He is a violent man who moves on a married woman like a chimpanzee and feels justified in grabbing her like a beast and using all is animal force to violate her. He feels that the right to deflower a maiden is the prerogative of a reality ‘star’ like him. What is most demeaning and degrading to all women is his most vulgar comment: “When you are a star they let you do it. You can do any thing”. This man is locked in a vicious spiral and he cannot escape from it . He is the slave of an impulse which he cannot control. He is too dangerous for any family, any society. Civilization, as Freud said, demands self-discipline on the part of its members. No one can be licensed to threaten people with caving knives.
Throughout the two world wars and the post-war reconstruction, the United states created a sublime image of its purpose in the minds of men and women all over the world. But now the world has the feeling that that is clouding image and bringing bad name to democracy by nominating a rapist and racist, a violent sex addict who is “automatically attracted to beautiful” women and ‘just starts kissing them’, ‘like a magnet’ believing that “When you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.” As a predator he knows best how to grab the prey by the crotches. It’s a shame that the Americans have allowed the ‘chimpanzee in rut’ to participate in the presidential debate. The man who should be behind bars for committing exactly similar offense as was committed by Strauss Kahn in the New York hotel has now pledged to take Hillary to prison.
” I can’t condone his remarks, can’t defend them” offended Mike Pence, his running mate said. “It’s a troubling situation, women are to be championed and revered,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in desperation . Sixteen Republican Senators have deserted him so far.” No woman should ever be described in these terms,” the RNC chairman remarked. “He owes an explanation for all his actions and words, not just apology, “said Kevin Madden, the Republican strategist. “Hitting on married women? Exclaimed Governor Mitt Romney, revoking his endorsement.
“I apologize, I won’t repeat. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow,” Trump confessed. Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz reacted saying, “That ‘s not an apology. It’s horrible. How can I talk to my 15 year old daughter? I can no longer endorse him.” But De Nevo slapped on his face: ” I want to punch Trump in his face. It’s a national disaster, it’s an embarrassment for the country.” Compulsive sexual behavior also called hyper sexual disorder, can systematically destroy a person’s life. The victim can grow even more despondent and hit the rock bottom, totally out of control. There are treatment programs modeled on Alcoholic Anonymous and they advocate something called “sexual sobriety”. The aim is to eradicate “unwanted sexual behavior”. Trump is rebellious and full of pride, arrogating to himself the attributes of crossing all limits. He has a pattern of behavior that needs to be restricted to limit. Only righteousness and piety can save him from illicit carnal passions, indecency, lies, mockery, calumny, hatred, and jealousy.

[Writer was an MP in the 7th and 8th parliaments of Bangladesh .He is a columnist and political analyst. Contact: [email protected]]
