ACC's founding anniv: Extreme greed leads to corruption

Staff Reporter :
Emeritus Professor of Dhaka University Dr Anisuzzaman has said that corruption is widely spreading in our society due to extreme greed.
Speaking as the chief guest at the 10th founding anniversary of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in the city’s Shilpakala Academy on Sunday, he said that people commit corruption mainly for two reasons such as ‘poverty’ and ‘excessive greed’.
Explaining, Dr Anisuzzaman said, those draw a poor salary take Tk 100-200 as graft due to poverty.
 “Although many crossed the poverty line, they take bribe being extreme greedy. A good number of them build second home beyond the country’s territorial boundary, he said.
Since corruption is a social sickness, it needs ‘social prevention’ to resist it, he said, adding: “Corruption may be prevented if it is protested from family. All families should come forward to stopping this menace”.
 “Our people are looking at the ACC to set the society free from this curse. The Commission has a duty to fulfil their
desire”, Anisuzzaman went on saying. “The ACC’s activities should be that for which corrupts frighten”, he advised.
ACC Chairman M Badiuzzaman and Commissioner Dr Nasiruddin Ahmed spoke at the function as the special guests while ACC Secretary Mohammad Maksudul Alam Khan was in the chair.
Claiming the national anti-graft body powerful than any previous time, the ACC chairman said that the present ACC has shown courage to interrogate many ruling party lawmakers and sent many of them to jail on charge of corruption.
 “The history of graft is ancient ones. So, it cannot be obliterated forever. We, however, are trying to come down it at a tolerable stage,” he said.
Badiuzzaman said: “Political ‘good will’ can reduce graft to a large extent and accommodate our country among the 10 corruption free countries.”
Earlier in the morning, the chairman inaugurated the 10th founding anniversary of the ACC by hosting flag and releasing balloons in the Commission headquarters. He also conducted an oath taking ceremony there.
Later, responding journalists, Badiuzzaman criticised BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia for her recent calling the ‘ACC an impunity commission’. He said that it was a political statement and her talks were not constructive.
On November 12, Khaleda at a Kishoreganj rally said that the ACC has turned into an ‘impunity commission’ as the ruling party leaders are being cleared of corruption charges by it. ACC’s 10th anniversary was on November 21. But it did not observe it on that day being a holiday one.