‘Extrajudicial killings’ to perpetuate power, fears Fakhrul

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Monday expressed his fear that the government has been carrying out the extrajudicial killings in the name of anti-narcotics drive as part of its plot to perpetuate power.
“People are being killed every day instead of putting them on trial. Are they (govt) doing it to create an atmosphere or a ground for staying in power? We’re worried about their motive,” he said. Speaking at a discussion, Fakhrul also said it will be a great mistake if people consider the current drive of law enforcers only as an anti-narcotics one. “There’s surely a plot behind it since Awami League has been in power by resorting to it (conspiracy).” Dhaka City Swechchhasebak Forum arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club demanding the release of BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia and Swechchhasebak Dal president Shafiul Bari Babu.
Referring to the killing of Teknaf municipality councillor and ruling party leader Ekramul Haque in a gunfight, the BNP leader said law enforcers killed him in crossfire branding him as a listed drug peddler, but the local people are saying he was a good and innocent person. “Who has directed for killing him and who has made the list?”
He alleged that the government is not taking action against the ruling party men genuinely involved in drug trading. “You (govt) even didn’t touch those known as the kings of drug and drug
peddlers belonging to your own home (AL).”
The BNP leader said Awami League has kept Khaleda Zia in jail in a ‘false’ case as it fears her after getting isolated from people.
He asked BNP leaders and activists to mobilise public support and get ready as they have no alternative to intensifying their movement to oust the current ‘autocratic’ government and have Khaleda freed from jail.
Fakhrul alleged that the government is trying to have the blessings of India to return to power as it is not accountable to people.