Extracurricular activities to restore social values stressed


Local Government, Rural Development (LGRD) and Cooperatives Minister Engineer Khandker Mosharraf Hossain laid stresses on extracurricular activities for restoring social values.
“The extracurricular activities along with academic studies play a vital role in flourishing thinking levels and mental ability of the students,” the minister said.
He came up with the observation on the 19th instant while speaking as the chief guest at a closing session of five-day national debate competition organised by Faridpur Debate Forum at Poet Jasimuddin auditorium in Faridpur.
Deputy Commissioner Begum Umme Salma Tanzia, Chief Executive Officer of the District Council Abdur Rashid, among others, spoke on the occasion.
The LGRD minister said the present government is working persistently for
building the country imbued with the spirit of non-communal harmony.
“There is no alternative to build the new generation being inspired with
the spirit of the Liberation War for making the country free from terrorism
and militancy,” he added.
