Extensive tree plantation to reduce carbon emission emphasized


Wide-ranging tree plantations can be the best way of reducing carbon emission besides mitigating the adverse impact of climate change.
To this end, all the concerned public and private authorities including educational institutions should make the tree plantation campaign successful.
Rajshahi Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton came up with the observation recently while inaugurating the tree plantation drive of Rajshahi Government Women’s College at its compound.
On the occasion, he also held a view-sharing meeting with the college authority saying the Rajshahi City Corporation is pledged-bound to make the metropolis greener through massive tree plantations for safeguarding the city environment and biodiversity.
Chairman of Rajshahi Education Board Prof Mokbul Hossain and its former chairman Prof Tanbirul Alam and Principal of the college Prof Zubaida Ayesha Siddika also spoke.
Mayor Liton said massive tree plantation can help reduce carbon emission at a substantial level and that is very important to protect ecological balance in the dried region.
All quarters should take the responsibility of protecting the city and its adjacent areas from the adverse impact of climate change and massive plantations can be the vital means of attaining the target.
Liton urged all the city dwellers to plant tree saplings including the fruit trees in all vacant places and other catchment areas of all institutions to create a greenery look everywhere in the city.
