Extensive Rabi crop cultivation plan in Faridpur

SYLHET: Shaheed Mustafa, UNO, South Surma Upazila visiting a stall of Islamic Foundation at the Development Fair on Tuesday.
SYLHET: Shaheed Mustafa, UNO, South Surma Upazila visiting a stall of Islamic Foundation at the Development Fair on Tuesday.
BSS, Faridpur :
An extensive Rabi crop cultivation programme has been taken up in the district by the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) department in the current season to meet local requirement of food grains particularly winter vegetables which has been a recurring shortfall here.
DAE sources said, 1,55,118 hectares of land have been brought under Rabi crop cultivation programme with the aim of producing 9,17,025 tonnes of food grains, winter vegetables, oil seed, spices and pulses.
According to the sources, Boro paddy of hybrid, high yielding variety (HYV)) and local variety have been cultivated on 35,225 hectares with the target of producing 13,913 tonnes of paddy while maize will be cultivated on 54 hectares to produce 347 tonnes.
Wheat has been cultivated on 26,630 hectares of land to produce 73,860 tonnes. Potato and sweet potato have been cultivated on 212 and 231 hectares respectively for producing 4,382 tonnes and 3800 tonnes of the crops respectively.
The sources said mustard has been cultivated on 9,760 hectares to produce a total of 1000 tonnes of edible oil. Ground nut will be cultivated on 4,196 hectares to produce 5,587 tonnes, sugarcane will be cultivated on 7,344 hectares with a production target of 3,52,512 tonnes.
Various types of pulses including lentil on 14,642 hectares, gram on 296 hectares, mug bean on 1,172 hectares, kheshari on 1,1500 hectares, motor on 840 hectares and mashkalai on 2,751 hectares will be cultivated to produce a total of 27700 tonnes of protein substitute food.
A total of 4,486 hectares of land have been brought under different kinds of vegetables cultivation with a production target of 87,200 tonnes.
